Global Commodities
Global Commodities
Precious Metals
Precious Metals
Precious Metals Group of Global Commodities Department provides clients with a full range of specialized professional services on global precious metals products, including trading facilities, physical metals purchase and sales, risk management and product solutions.

Global Commodities Department provides client with market-making and physical services on all precious metals including palladium, platinum, gold and silver.

Clients can access Precious Metals offerings via the Precious Metals Electronic Trading Platform or Hotlines. Our trading desk provides 24-hour pricing coverage and advising services.

Over-the-Counter Products
  • Precious Metals
    • Gold
    • Silver
    • Platinum
    • Palladium
  • Related Derivatives
    • Forwards
    • European Options
    • Fixed Price Swaps
  • Shanghai Gold Exchange
    • International Board products

  • Credit and margin financing
  • Local support and global coverage
  • 24-hour real-time execution and pricing
  • Physical purchases and sales
  • Multi-lingual advising
  • Market commentaries and industry research reports

Operational Support
  • Cash settlement
  • Electronic trade summary
  • Settlement advisory
  • Futures and option expiration notification

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