CMSAM SPC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMS Asset Management (HK) Co., Limited, is incorporated in Cayman Islands as an exempted company limited by shares and registered as a segregated portfolio company. As a segregated portfolio company, the Fund can operate segregated portfolios with the benefit of statutory segregation of assets and liabilities between segregated portfolios. The assets of each Segregated Portfolio are invested separately in accordance with the investment objective, strategies and guidelines for such Segregated Portfolio as specified in Memorandum and the relevant Supplement. The structure is legally separate as a single legal entity and the fund manager has an institutional-level structure at a reasonable cost. As fund investment advisor, we are responsible to collaborate with fund administrator, legal advisers, auditor and, custodian etc in Hong Kong in order to provide professional services to fund managers.
At the same time, fund managers can make full use of the financial services and various instruments in Hong Kong market to gradually develop their global investment portfolios. CMS Asset Management (HK) Co., Limited has a well-designed fund structure to resolve the pressure and challenges faced by fund managers in the early stage of establishment. Our platform helps fund managers to focus more on the performance of their own funds.